Quest Food Service

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    St. Joseph High School, in partnership with Quest Food Services, provides students with healthy meals at reasonable prices throughout the school year. Hot breakfasts are available each day before school from 7:00 - 7:50 and hot lunches are available during the lunch periods. In addition, vending machines are available after school for students to purchase snacks and beverages.

    The program mymealtime online lets parents and guardians quickly and easily add funds to their students’ food accounts through the mymealtime website. The site also allows you to monitor how those funds are spent. For more information on mymealtime online, click on the links on the right. 

    If you have any questions, please contact Quest Manager .


    Lunch Program Service Modifications:  Quest's Safety Plan during COVID-19

    Quest is ready to welcom you back to the cafeteria! We have spent the summer preparing for safe openings that ensure the safety of our guests and our employees. For more information surrounding the safety measures we are implementing in all our kitchens and dining halls please link directly to:



Quest Philosophy

  • Food Philosophy

Quest Mission Statement

  • Mission Statement

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