Welcome to Art 1!

  • I am excited to start of the new school year with TEAMS and HYBRID schedules. Thank you for your patience as I update my website and learn teams. All class can be found in Microsoft Teams. 

    Art 1 Syllabus

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Course Information

  • This course is open to all students, and no prior art experience is necessary. The focus of the course will be the elements and principles of art, hands on experience with a variety of art materials and communication through art. 

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  • Grading Policies: 

    Studio Lesson:  

    • Students will be graded on objectives for each lesson.  
    • Lessons will cover various skills and techniques.  

    Studio Projects 

    • Students will be evaluated on effort, time management, craftsmanship, design and creativity.   
    • During long term assignments, students will receive a weekly evaluation grade. 

    Make up work and make up tests 

    • Students will be allowed to make up work missed due to excused absences. 
    • It is the student’s responsibility to check for missed work and make necessary arrangements with the teacher.  

    Late Work:  

    • Incomplete and late work results in loss of points. 
    • It is the students responsibilty to keep up with class work and ask for help when needed.